The following is a summary of key recent events, activity and announcements. Full media reports and other links to these events and news announcements can be found on our international media page. Scroll through the international media page for the date on which the event or announcement occurred to read the relevant article.
Governmental updates
The National Waste Management Organisation (NWMO) have updated their five-year plan, and reported on the first borehole drilling near the town of Kenora (6 April).
Low Level waste facility
Talks between Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and the Saugeen Ojibway First Nation on a planned permanent nuclear waste storage site in Kincardine could take two years. The planned geological repository is for low-level waste, and is not part of Canada’s search for a site for a GDF for their high-level waste. Local opponents to the Kincardine scheme argue that low-level waste does not need burying deep underground (23 March).
Remediated land of value to local community
Not a ‘GDF-story’, but a report on the impact of how low-level radioactive waste land remediation is affecting one small Canadian community (1 April).
A farmer’s view: worst waste than nuclear
A Canadian farmer criticises environmentalists for complaining about nuclear waste and then blocking any attempt to resolve the issue, particularly when radioactive waste is carefully managed — in contrast to the lack of long-term management for other equally or even more toxic industrial wastes our society produces (10 April).