Voices of the World : ordinary people speak

We have plans to create an archive of video and audio material, reporting the views of ordinary people from other communities across the world which have been, or are going through, a GDF site selection process.  We believe that sharing that experience is the first step to helping UK communities engage effectively with our siting process, by helping to build confidence and open doors to seeking advice and support from communities in other countries.

The first of our videos is from a visit to Switzerland in August 2017, when we met a group of people who had been involved in a community discussion process about finding a potential site for their GDF.


Pending further GDFWatch videos, there is a helpful English-language resource from Canada.  The search for a GDF site in Canada is far more advanced than in the UK.  The Canadian National Waste Management Organisation (NWMO) website has a selection of media resources.  These help give some indication of how a siting process evolves, and how the community participates.

For example, this video offers opinion from representatives of local indigenous tribes on how their interests and concerns are protected and promoted within the siting process: