Role of the Local Authority

Some local politicians have described the Government’s anticipated plans as a “have your cake and eat it” policy. That is because local politicians and local authorities would not be formally required at any stage to be ‘for’ or ‘against’ a GDF, reserving their judgement while ensuring the interests of their constituents are being protected.

Although there is no proposed formal role for local authorities in the siting process (though they will have a significant role in the subsequent planning process), every affected local authority will have an interest throughout the process. GDFWatch stands ready to support any local authority requiring advice and assistance.

From a local authority perspective, the GDF generates multiple questions, eg:

  • can the proposed infrastructure investment support delivery of our existing long-term economic plan
  • could the additional investment package fund popular local ideas which have previously been left to one side because of lack of funding
  • could a GDF help sustain social and welfare aspects of a community, justifying investment from health and other public budgets in the retention or development of local facilities

These issues are already being addressed by local authority representatives from across the Local Government Association (LGA), eg:

Leading members of the local authority world have contributed articles to GDFWatch to help explain why they support the GDF programme.  Click on the name links below to read their articles: