RWM Public Consultation Workshop: Site Evaluation

According to RWM, the events are generally aimed to inform interested, non-specialists. With the exception of London and Manchester, each of the venues will host two events, one in the early afternoon and the other in the evening. They will include refreshments and will last three hours in total. The content of both is the same, so participants can choose the one that suits them best.

The London and Manchester events will be run as single, extended meetings from 11am to 4pm. These two events are aimed at people who want to go into greater detail about the content and background to RWM’s Site Evaluation approach.

If you would like to attend one of these meetings – either as an individual or the representative of an organisation, please email RWM at:

They will ask you for:

  • your name,
  • organisation (if any),
  • email and contact telephone number (optional)
  • the date and city of your choice and, where appropriate, your choice of afternoon or evening meeting
  • any special requirements in terms of access and diet.

They will then send full details of the venue and joining instructions. Attendance is free of charge.

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